Hi there! I'm Taj.

I'm on a mission to make the web better for everyone.

A little bit about me...

A software engineer born and raised in the United Kingdom. My goal is to make the web a better place for everyone, one website at a time. Whether that's by optimising content delivery or creating an accessible experience I find that I love all aspects of web development!

The skills I have cover a wide array of things such as cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, etc.), front-end languages (JavaScript, TypeScript, etc.) and back-end languages (C#, PHP, etc.).

If you'd like to get in touch, you can contact me on LinkedIn or Twitter.

I have a wide range of skills because of these companies...

CWT Digital

A small agency that was based in Brighton. This was my first major foray into the commercial world of web development. Here I was able to progress from a humble Web Developer to a Front-End Architect while learning quite a bit about the travel industry.

Learn more about my time at CWT Digital.

Zen3 UK

A part of a larger organisation, but a much smaller team, there was definitely more of a client-facing focus here! It was much of a continuation of my role at CWT Digital, but with more of a focus on working with an offshore team.

Learn more about my time at Zen3 UK.


A Brighton based travel company with offices around the world. Here I was able to work with several notable travel companies to implement custom whitelabel solutions.

Learn more about my time at HolidayTaxis.

Wait, there's more...

About me

It's hard to put into words what I'm capable of. Spreading it out all over the place might be a bit confusing and the introduction on this page, I think, is way too small to get an idea of that! You can learn more about me here to get a better idea of who I am and what I can do.

About the knowledge I can share

Occasionally I like to write down a bit more about my achievements, or perhaps just my thoughts on particular topics. If you're interested in that you can find my blog here.